Call of Duty Guides Game Guides Games

MW3 Zombies: Where to find Mimics

Mimic in MW3 Zombies.

Credit: Activision

This Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III guide explains where to find Mimics in MW3 Zombies.

MW3‘s Zombies is different from previous iterations of the mode. It’s an open-world experience combined with the extraction-based looter shooter gameplay of DMZ.

As such, players are tasked with exploring an undead-ridden Urzikstan to acquire valuable loot and weapons while completing missions. Along the way, players will encounter countless standard zombies as well as so-called “special zombies”. These include Mimics, Disciples, and Manglers.

Mimics are arguably the most recognisable and notable for their horrific appearance complete with large glowing mouths. While there aren’t any missions in MW3 Zombies that specifically require players to kill Mimics, the game does include daily challenges that feature this objective.

As such, players may want to know what the best way to find Mimics is and where you need to go. Having played many, many hours of Zombies, we have a solid strategy for locating them.

Where to find Mimics in MW3 Zombies

This is where to find Mimics in MW3 Zombies:

Mimics are most commonly found in the orange and red zones on the map. Given that the red zone is significantly more difficult, we recommend heading to the orange zone to hunt Mimics.

A sure-fire way of finding Mimics is to begin an Outlast contract in the orange zone. Once you head to the objective and activate it, hordes of zombies will attack. A number of Mimics will appear as part of the horde, so keep an eye out for them.

Outlast contract on the map in MW3 Zombies.
An Outlast contract in the orange zone.

Outlast contracts will continue until you either die or complete the objective. Therefore, if you wish to use the Outlast contract to find Mimics, you can keep it going for as long as you need to and they should keep spawning intermittently.

Naturally, you should be cautious when using this method. That’s because it’s easy to become overwhelmed during Outlast contracts. So, be sure to go in prepared with Pack-a-Punched weapons, self-revives, a three-plate armor vest, and Perk-a-Colas.

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Joe Harby

About Author

Joe is one of the editors and founders of Downtime Bros and an accredited critic. He has more than a decade of experience in journalism and communications. He is passionate about everything in the worlds of gaming, movies, and TV, as demonstrated by the countless words he has written about them. He is overly proud of his Bloodborne platinum trophy and plays too much Call of Duty. Follow him on Twitter and check out his reviews on OpenCritic.

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